In a Monday USA Today editorial, the "nation's newspaper" declared: "The argument over building a mosque and Islamic center near Ground Zero is mostly a sorry exercise in political exploitation" ...
Late in the 7:00AM ET hour of Monday's CBS Early Show, correspondent Michelle Miller reported on the "war of words" between actress Jennifer Aniston and Fox News host Bill O'Reilly over women ...
Good Morning America's Dan Harris on Monday highlighted the worry that the proposed Ground Zero mosque could bring a "rising tide of Islamophobia in the country." He repeated the argument of the ...
Appearing on Monday's CBS Early Show to discuss President Obama showing support for a controversial mosque being built near Ground Zero, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer agreed with the ...
President Obama's endorsement of building a mosque near Ground Zero has driven the establishment press corps to find nobility in pursuing conviction even in the face of public opposition, not ...
Crazies on the left allow journalists to see themselves as under siege from both sides of the spectrum, and thus must be playing it down the middle. To wit: Saturday's Washington Post carried a ...
On August 2, Time's Joe Klein fretted Obama's Iraq speech "will not be remembered as vividly as George Bush's juvenile march across the deck of an aircraft carrier," but back when Bush's USS ...
ABC News producers on Thursday night managed to sneak, into the script read by World News fill-in anchor George Stephanopoulos ' ever so briefly ' two news items from a conservative news agenda ...
Good Morning America's Dan Harris on Friday filed a report on extreme weather and failed to mention the agenda of a global warming scientist. Elizabeth Vargas teased the segment by fretting, "And ...
In FNC's "Grapevine" segment Thursday night, Shannon Bream highlighted a finding in the latest NBC poll which NBC's Chuck Todd failed to point out. Bream observed: "A new poll suggests Americans ...