
Newsweek Ranks U.S. the 11th 'Best Country' - Bush's Fault, But Obama Can Stem the Slide

Newsweek, recently sold for one dollar by the Washington Post Company but still in its hands, ranked the United States 11th, just behind Denmark, in this week's "The Best Countries in the World" ...

CNN's Velshi: Ban Catholic Churches from Oklahoma City Because of McVeigh?

CNN's Ali Velshi engaged in moral relativism on Wednesday's Newsroom as he editorialized on the controversial planned mosque near Ground Zero. Velshi worried about the precedent that might be set ...

NY Daily News Reporter Touts Online Poll That 70% of New Yorkers Think Mosque Opposition Based on 'Hatred'

Appearing in the 2:00PM ET hour on MSNBC, New York Daily News reporter Samuel Goldsmith cited a poll featured on the paper's website, about opposition to the Ground Zero mosque: "[it] shows that ...

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Derides the 'Heated' and 'Ugly' Rhetoric from Those Who Oppose Mosque

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday complained about "loud, heated, ugly and inaccurate" comments arising from the debate over the Ground Zero mosque. She also spun the founder and chief ...

Roland Martin to Dems: 'Protect the Constitution' By Supporting Mosque

On Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN contributor Roland Martin strongly pushed for the Democrats to "stand up and protect the Constitution" by defending the planned New York City mosque near ...

Andrea Mitchell Lauds President Obama for Supporting Ground Zero Mosque; Questions Why He Changed His Tone Afterward

Not only did MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell hail President Obama's support of the Ground Zero mosque as "politically courageous," but she seemed disappointed when, on the next day, he walked back ...

On Ground Zero Mosque, George Stephanopoulos Keeps Focus on Republicans: Will They 'Undercut' Obama's Outreach?

George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday again focused on GOP reaction to the Ground Zero mosque, challenging Karl Rove as to whether Republicans such as Newt Gingrich will "undercut the work" President ...

Olbermann Uses Words of U.S. Soldier to Bolster Anti-War Agenda, Ignores Soldier's Support for Iraq Mission

On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann used a clip of a U.S. soldier, stationed in Iraq, commenting on how he had previously felt that the war in Iraq "wasn't ever going to stop," ...

CNN Lets Pro-Abortion PAC Spout Its Anti-Palin Talking Points

CNN's Jessica Yellin, a one-time "prominent feminist activist," helped forward the talking points of the pro-abortion lobby by devoting part of a segment on Tuesday's Rick's List to EMILY List's ...

CBS: Gulf Oil Spill An 'Opportunity' to Push Green Energy on 'Power-Hungry' America

At the top of CBS's Sunday Morning, host Charles Osgood proclaimed: "From sky-high air-conditioning bills to gasoline-fueled vacations in the car, there's nothing like summer to remind us that we ...
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