
NBC's Chuck Todd Projects 'Democrats Are In Deep, Deep Trouble'

If Democrats weren't nervous about November's midterm elections yet, they could soon be, especially when you consider that even their allies in the liberal media are starting to forecast doom for ...

ABC Singles Out 'Hard-line, Tea Party Conservative,' Ignores Antics of Florida Democratic Candidate

Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Tuesday characterized a Republican senatorial candidate in Alaska as a "hard-line, Tea Party conservative" and someone who "has also been known to attract ...

Time's Mark Halperin: 9/11 Families Need to Be Led Through a Discussion About the Ground Zero Mosque

Time magazine's Mark Halperin engaged in the ultimate condescension on Monday, arguing that families of 9/11 victims need to be guided by others into the Ground Zero mosque debate. "For the ...

On Letterman, Brian Williams Cheers 'Fruits' of 'Clinton Economy' and Ridicules Tea Party

Appearing on the Late Show on Monday night, NBC anchor Brian Williams bizarrely asserted "we're still enjoying the fruits really of the Clinton economy," claimed Tea Party activists who say "we ...

Blast from Past: Dick Cavett 'Genuinely Ashamed' of Americans for Opposing the Mosque

Dick Cavett in a New York Times post online: "These are not proud moments in my heritage. But now, I'm genuinely ashamed of us. How sad this whole mosque business is. It doesn't take much, it ...

ABC Works to Rehabilitate Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's Reputation After Pining for George W. Bush

ABC News set out Monday night to rehabilitate the reputation of the iman behind the proposed mosque near Ground Zero, Feisal Abdul Rauf, trying to discredit criticism of him from the right as ...

Matthews Attacks! McConnell and Limbaugh Trying to 'De-Americanize Obama'

Chris Matthews bizarrely accused Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of using code language to appeal to the Birther crowd for saying, on Sunday's Meet the Press, that "The President ...

CNN's Toobin: Judge's Ruling a 'Major Setback for Stem Cell Research'

On Monday's Situation Room, CNN's Jeffrey Toobin used dire language to describe a federal judge's decision which struck down federal funding for embryonic stem cell research: "The bottom line is ...

ABC Hides Identity of Liberal Activist Advocating for More Government Intervention in Business

Good Morning America's Bianna Golodryga on Sunday featured a liberal activist arguing for more government intervention in the form of paid time off laws and "affordable" child care. The ABC host ...

CBS 'Early Show': Can Obama Fix 'Image Problem' and Bring Back 'Campaign Magic'?

Opening Saturday's CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge proclaimed: "Image Problem: The President is on vacation and under fire. From the jobless numbers to the Mosque mess ' why is the man with ...
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