Wednesday's CBS Evening News, without Katie Couric, uniquely amongst the broadcast network evening newscasts tied Discovery Channel hostage-taker/bomber James Lee to Al Gore and, even more ...
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, Newsweek's Jonathan Alter repeatedly characterized the conservative wing of the Republican party as "radical" and "extreme." He went ...
On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith served as an apologist for President Obama, who failed to credit President George W. Bush with the Iraq troop surge in an Oval Office address ...
NBC's Matt Lauer wanted one question to stick in the minds of his Today show viewers, as from the top of Wednesday's show, to his interview with Vice President Joe Biden, the Today co-anchor ...
President Barack Obama's decision to include, in his Tuesday night address from the Oval Office on the end to the "combat mission" in Iraq, a sentence respectful toward former President George W. ...
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs made the rounds of the six broadcast and cable morning news shows on Tuesday morning to help set the table for the President's speech marking the end of ...
On the day that the U.S. is ending combat operations in Iraq, the Today show, on Tuesday, brought on their chief foreign correspondent to essentially say the Iraq war wasn't worth it.
On Sunday night, Brian Williams despaired "you're an American-born Christian. And yet, significant numbers of Americans...are claiming you are neither." Barack Obama responded: "I can't spend all ...
The news that it could be a good year for women electorally did not cheer up the likes of MSNBC's Chris Matthews, Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson and the Politico's Jeanne Cummings, because it turns ...
CNN's Rick Sanchez quickly apologized on his Rick's List program on Monday after inadvertently labeling Barack Obama the "cotton-picking president of the United States." Sanchez used the ...