
'Top Chef' Host: Senate School Lunch Bill Didn't Go 'Far Enough' to Fight 'National Crisis' of Child Obesity

"Top Chef" judge Tom Colicchio rang alarm bells about child obesity on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Wednesday, saying it is now a "national health crisis." Colicchio warned that the recent Senate school ...

CNN's Larry King Replacement Praises Obama for Improving America's Image Abroad

In a Thursday interview with CBS Early Show special contributor Amanda Holden, Larry King replacement Piers Morgan talked about his new CNN show and who would be at the top of his guest list: ...

Rick Sanchez to Pataki: Did Your Opposition to Mosque Lead to Koran Burning?

On Wednesday's Rick's List, CNN's Rick Sanchez tried to connect the overwhelming opposition to the planned Ground Zero mosque to a Florida pastor's "Burn a Koran Day" event. Sanchez asked former ...

On Today: CAIR Spokesman Equates Ground Zero Mosque Protest to Japanese Internment and Slavery

NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Thursday's Today show, invited on New York Republican Congressman Peter King and CAIR's Zead Ramadan to discuss the furor over the Ground Zero mosque, but it was only ...

Thatcher Hostile NY Times Reporter Sarah Lyall Takes Arbitrary Swipe at Ronald Reagan

Where did that come from? In a discussion on a suspicious anecdote in Tony Blair's memoirs, New York Times reporter Sarah Lyall writes: "[Peter] Morgan told The Daily Telegraph, perhaps Mr. Blair ...

ABC Donates 16 Minutes to Obama; George Stephanopoulos Sympathizes: Does Pastor Make You Feel 'Helpless?'

Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday trumpeted his exclusive interview with Barack Obama and rewarded the President with 16 minutes of air time, just as the midterm election ...

Arianna Huffington Likens Mosque Opponents to Koran-Burning Pastor

Snatching the proverbial low-hanging fruit off the branch, Arianna Huffington compared the vast majority of Americans who oppose the construction of a mosque close to Ground Zero to the thirty ...

CBS's Smith: Did Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque Lead to Koran Burning?

In an interview with Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison on Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith implied a link between Ground Zero mosque opposition and a pastor's plan to burn the ...

Qur'an Burning Threat Leads Network News to Discover Wisdom of Palin and Pope

TV journalists have decided Sarah Palin, the Pope ' and even Pat Robertson ' are now sources of wisdom. Katie Couric teased: "Despite condemnation from the Vatican...that Christian minister in ...

CNN's Feyerick Promotes Ground Zero Mosque Imam

CNN's Deborah Feyerick played up Imam Feisal Rauf's apparent credentials as a "moderate" Muslim during a report on Wednesday's American Morning. Feyerick omitted using sound bites from Rauf's ...
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