On Sunday's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, after host Matthews asked if electing a President whose middle name was "Hussein" had "opened a door to better relations with the Arab and Islamic ...
On Saturday's Good Morning America on ABC, during a discussion of the recent controversies over the Ground Zero mosque and the possibility of Koran burning in Florida, after anchor Dan Harris ...
Filling in for anchor Katie Couric on Thursday's CBS Evening News, Early Show co-host Harry Smith introduced a report on opposition to building mosques in some areas of the country: "...they feel ...
A New York Times contributor to the Home section recommends using newspapers along with compost to kill garden weeds. Is publisher Arthur Sulzberger (who says the Times will eventually no longer ...
CNN's David Gergen gushed over Barack Obama during CNN's coverage of the President's press conference on Friday, but was unimpressed by his performance: "He impresses everyone with his ...
In a gassy op-ed for Sunday's Washington Post, former ABC Nightline anchor Ted Koppel announced that that "canny tactician" Osama bin Laden has won the War on Terror by pressing America over the ...
Washington Post staff writer Anne Kornblut used her question at a White House press conference on Friday to worry that, despite Barack Obama making it a "priority," anti-Muslim "suspicion" still ...
CNN offered a sneak preview of their upcoming Parker-Spitzer program on Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360 with the new hosts, pseudo-conservative Kathleen Parker and "Client Number Nine" Eliot ...
Iman Feisal Abdul Rauf chose ABC's Christiane Amanpour to spend "several hours" with on Thursday in New York City, and just as she did back in August on This Week, she again served as his public ...
If your income tax rate stays the same next year, would you consider that a "tax cut"? ABC anchor Diane Sawyer sure seems to think so. Adopting the Obama/Democratic spin as fact, that maintaining ...