Filling in for Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation, Early Show co-host Harry Smith brought his liberal sensibilities to the Sunday show, pressing his economic panel to agree the Bush tax cuts should ...
When an overwhelming majority of the public goes against the media's position, journalists see division and rancor. Case in a point: An article in Tuesday's Washington Post: "Much of France has ...
The unemployment rate rose a tenth of a point, to 9.6 percent in August so it "has exceeded 9 percent for 16 straight months," while the economy lost 54,000 jobs. Yet, without avoiding the dire ...
ABC's Claire Shipman waxed ecstatic over Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday's Good Morning America, as she reported on Mrs. Clinton's efforts in the Middle Eastern peace process. Shipman ...
In a list of famous Americans with a parent (or both) born in another country, the un-bylined last page "Back Story" of this week's Newsweek listed "BARACK OBAMA (Kenyan Father)" on the page ...
On Thursday's American Morning, CNN's Deborah Feyerick continued her network's promotion of the charge the "Islamophobia" is growing in the U.S. All but one of Feyerick's sound bites during her ...
It's no secret that Chris Matthews once flirted with the idea of running for Senate in Pennsylvania, but since he didn't throw his hat into that race, the Hardball host, on Thursday night, did ...
Earning applause from the audience, Donald Trump gave David Letterman his take on placing a new mosque near Ground Zero: "I think it's insensitive and it shouldn't be built there." A befuddled ...
On Thursday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill interviewed Vanity Fair reporter Michael Joseph Gross about his article slamming Sarah Palin with outlandish accusations: "...we've watched ...
CNN's Rick Sanchez, who was quick to blame Fox News for the 2009 murders of three police officers, treaded much more carefully on Wednesday's Rick's List as he covered the eco-terrorist who ...