
ABC's Stephanopoulos Highlights Obama Blaming Media for Muslim Myth

On Monday's Good Morning America, ABC's George Stephanopoulos played up how President Obama "blamed many in the media for perpetuating...myths" such as he was born outside the United States, isn't ...

NBC's Today Show Invites on Two Liberals to Analyze Glenn Beck Rally

NBC's Matt Lauer, on Monday's Today show, invited on the not-so balanced panel of the Reverend Al Sharpton and the NAACP's Ben Jealous to analyze Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally that took ...

Joe Klein & Matthews Link Anti-Muslim 'Attitude' to 'Deranged Muslim' Violence, Small-Town Whites Miss 'Ethnic Purity' of Past

On Sunday's syndicated Chris Matthews show, during a discussion of a poll reporting that a majority of self-described Republicans expressed a negative view of Islam, as Time magazine's Joe Klein ...

ABC's Tahman Bradley: Beck Rally's 'Crowd Was Almost All White, Giving Critics an Open Door'

On Sunday's Good Morning America, during a report which focused on FNC host Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally and the negative reaction from civil rights activists like the Reverend Al ...

ABC's Claiborne Presses MLK Niece to 'Understand, At Least, How Some' See Beck Rally as 'Affront' to Civil Rights Movement

On Saturday's Good Morning America on ABC, during an interview with Dr. Alveda King, a niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., substitute host Ron Claiborne challenged her to defend her participation ...

Olbermann Ties Stabbing to Ground Zero Mosque Opposition, GOP Strategy is 'Hate'

On Thursday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann tied together Republican opposition to same-sex marriage, the Ground Zero mosque, and illegal immigration, as he charged that "the ...

MSNBC Suggests Palin & Bachmann Encouraged Shooting Minorities, Ignores Obama's 'We Bring a Gun' to Fight GOP

On Thursday's The Ed Show on MSNBC, substitute host Cenk Uygur blamed conservative opposition to the Ground Zero mosque for violence against Muslims, and tagged the GOP the "party of hate." He ...

Brian Williams Treats Obama as Oracle of Wisdom, Wonders: 'How Are You Thinking About Your Job These Days?'

Interviewing President Obama in New Orleans on Sunday, Brian Williams treated Obama as a great oracle of wisdom to pluck. "Katrina was about so many things. It was about class and race and ...

CBS's Schieffer Hits Miller for 'Extreme Positions,' Ridicules GOP Field as 'Kind of an Exotic Crew'

Republicans are "exotic" and "extreme," and against science too, CBS's Bob Schieffer contended on Sunday's Face the Nation. "You have also taken some fairly controversial, some would say very ...

CBS to Black Beck Rally Attendees: 'I'm Noticing that There Aren't a Lot of Minorities Here Today'

CBS's Nancy Cordes saw a "nearly all-white crowd" at Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington, DC, as she (at least an off-camera female voice) demanded of two black women who weren't ...
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