Good Morning America co-host Bianna Golodryga on Saturday chided the Reverend Franklin Graham, complaining that "one of the country's leading evangelicals is adding to the confusion" over Barack ...
On Monday's Today show, NBC's Matt Lauer opened the show suggesting that Julian Assange was was being smeared by the Pentagon as the Today co-anchor teased: "And payback? The founder of WikiLeaks, ...
On Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN, during a discussion of the Ground Zero mosque controversy, after Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson recommended that the mosque be moved as a compromise, NPR's ...
Not even feigning the pretense of balance, on Sunday's This Week host Christiane Amanpour featured an "exclusive" with two GZM proponents as she declared "the controversy has raised profound ...
Picking up on a nugget surprisingly included in a Wednesday Boston Globe article, on Thursday night FNC's Bret Baier reported in his "Grapevine" segment: "President Bush is apparently more popular ...
CNN's T. J. Holmes brought back Time's Bobby Ghosh on Friday's Newsroom for more promotion of his "Islamophobia" cover story, and added two Muslim guests who largely agreed with his thesis that ...
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough strongly believes certain networks would play the race card against southern Republican Haley Barbour, if he runs for President in 2012. Scarborough predicted on Thursday's ...
On Friday's edition of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports, Mitchell brought on the Boston Globe's Peter Canellos to pine for the widow of Ted Kennedy, Vicki, to challenge Republican Scott Brown for ...
NBC's Kelly O'Donnell, in a story aired on Friday's Today show, traveled to Arizona to profile Republican Ben Quayle's run for Congress and in the process gave Dan Quayle's son the same sort of ...
George Stephanopoulos on Friday showed that it is possible to force a Democratic politician to answer tough questions. The ABC host grilled Maxine Waters over allegations that she misused her ...