
VH1 on Virginity: Cynicism and Censorship

When VH1 aired a special on "The New Virginity," abstinence backers may have been hopeful. But VH1 left a wonderful advocate for chastity on the cutting room floor. She was too good.

The Meanness of Martha Coakley

The networks didn't highlight it, but here's what should not be forgotten about the Massachusetts Senate race: the sheer meanness of Martha Coakley and her campaign character assassins.

Europe's Decadent Education

Lithuania's parliament voted to protect grade-school children from the promotion of drugs, violence, and "sexual orientation" education. Western Europe's bureaucrats and "human rights" lobbyists ...

The Media's Democrat Dialect

Two liberal-media writers gave Democrats headaches in a new campaign book reporting on racial remarks by Bill Clinton and Harry Reid. But the most shameless outfit was "60 Minutes," which only ...

The Soul of Tiger Woods

Brit Hume offering Christianity to Tiger Woods was denounced as rude. The sudden arrival of these punctilious Emily Posts of religious discussion is strangest because Christianity is so routinely ...

Kicking Rush When He's Down

After their nastiness in the hours after Rush Limbaugh went into the hospital with chest pains, I don't ever want to hear another sermon from liberals about "civility" or "hate," or "the politics ...

Cultural Winners and Losers, 2009

It was a great year for "Up" and other animated movies. It was not a great year for "Bruno" or Michael Moore.

The "Stimulus" Picture Crumbled

Obama's economic gurus told the country that a massive "stimulus" of government spending was needed so unemployment would stay below eight percent. It's now ten percent, but no anchors are wagging ...

Deconstructing Christmas

Christmas is that time of year when school children gather together to celebrate - well, Star Wars, West Side Story, and Michael Jackson.

A Year of Obama Love

Ardor for Obama dominated the Best Notable Quotables competition of 2009. The public is no longer amazed, but the media's thrills continue.
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