
TV and the Soft Eshoo Bill

What gives Congress the right to interfere with the volume of TV commercials when they inherently flee from the proposition that they have an obligation to enforce existing broadcast decency laws?

Preferring Liberals In Both Parties

Any Republican with the "courage" of his liberal convictions is a "maverick" to be saluted. Any Democrat or independent who dares question Obama's socialist agenda is a traitor.

Frosty the Pervert

CBS ruins "Frosty the Snowman" nostalgia with a porny Internet promotion. Why do the sickos in Hollywood have to put their whips and chains and sordid brains all over every last acre of innocence?

Climate Skeptics Need Mental Help?

Falling poll numbers for the notion of man-made global warming is causing media liberals to grow pessimistic about a public that is becoming "collectively irrational."

Degrading 'Degrassi'

Nickelodeon airs all kinds of child-friendly programming - but one series on Teen Nick is deliberately pushing the gay agenda to youngsters.

Day Fourteen and Counting

Clubbing Navy SEALs

Our national media will not report that three Navy SEALs are being prosecuted for capturing a terrorist. The terrorist claims he was punched after he was captured. Almost no one besides Fox News ...

Ridiculous Idol Excuses

When a male singer kisses another man and simulates oral sex on national television, it's ridiculous to suggest that none of this was planned, that it was just a spontaneous event.
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