
The Media's Vatican Coup

It's bad enough when liberal media elites want to run the Republican party or conservative movement. What Catholic would trust them to run the Catholic Church? They see the church as a loathsome ...

Rape Games?

Japanese video-game manufacturers have made sick video games centered on raping girls and women. Rape is not an option on the menu; rape is the entire point of the game.

Liberals In Vitriol Denial

Anger and violence can threaten both sides of the political divide. But some media liberals pretend all the dangerous rhetoric is coming from the right.

Australia Bitten by a Filthy Dog

While America hasn't had a recent controversy over publicly funded cultural garbage, that's not the case in Australia, where governments are funding a comedy about a "bong-smoking dog that has sex ...

Tainting the Tea Party

Democrats claimed racial and "anti-gay" slurs were used against Democrats on Capitol Hill, and said it represented an ugly and malicious tone from conservative protesters. It is deplorable that ...

TV Torture in Old Europe

In France, filmmakers took "reality shows" to a new extreme, making contestants think they were electrocuting a man for giving incorrect answers.

A Fraud Fights Fox News

Disgraced former New York Times executive editor Howell Raines decried the bias of Fox News. What he really decried was anyone straying away from the hard line of the liberal-media pack.

NBC's Special Victims

NBC's "Law Order: Special Victims Unit" featured a plot with a creepy Christian preacher strangling prostitutes. Can you imagine Hollywood trying that plot with an atheist strangling nuns?
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