5/14/2009 7:57 AM ET
"The problem for Republicans right now is the party doesn't seem big enough for conservatives like [Rush] Limbaugh and moderates like Colin Powell and Senator Arlen Specter," ABC's Jonathan Karl ...
5/12/2009 9:11 AM ET
'World News' claims stimulus bill passed earlier this year 'will save or create one-and-a-half million jobs,' despite data showing contrary.
5/12/2009 8:50 AM ET
Evening newscasts push Center for Science in the Public Interest study about killer salt, downplay individual responbility for food choices.
2/23/2009 7:54 AM ET
Vol. 22; No. 4
1/30/2009 1:00 AM ET
Meant to endear, Network coverage of Obama Whitehouse sometimes exposes hypocrisy, inconsistencies and extravagance.
12/19/2008 10:39 AM ET
For ABC, drug trials replace bread lines as signs of 'tough times.'
11/21/2008 1:00 AM ET
Strong character in sport is rare these days. ABC lauds golfer who fessed up.
11/19/2008 8:54 AM ET
Democratic leaders, media push for more cash to help liberal voting bloc.
11/4/2008 1:15 PM ET
'Big three' cover campaign horse race, surveys nearly eight times more than policy proposals.
10/21/2008 12:00 AM ET
One year later donors and recipients of a life-saving kidney donation program gather to recognize one man's generosity that inspired them all.