
'World News' Reports Only Opposition to Airline Merger

ABC excludes several key senators' support for Delta/Northwest merger in report about government hurdles.

'World News' Spreads 'Main Street' Fear with Worst-Case Investing Scenario

Report emphasizes potential losses from investing at the market peak last October.

ABC Highlights Pregnant Cancer Patient Who Rejected Abortion

Shazam! Reasonable treatment of a social issue by a major network twice in the same day!

'Revolutionary' Stem Cell Research Breakthrough Gets Skeptical Treatment from ABC

Holy Grail story gets buried half-way through the newscast.

Media Silent on Boycott as Ford's Sales Continue to Plunge

The automaker's sales have declined for 17 of the 19 months since AFA declared its morally inspired boycott. September sales dropped by 21 percent. Still, Big Media refuses to say 'boo' about it.

ABC Airs Two Segments Blaming Guns, Not Criminals

However, the story takes an unexpected twist when an infamous killer accepts personal responsibility for his crimes.

Left-Wing Cry of 'Revolution' More than Same Old Song

Calls for societal change show liberals want to overturn the things that made America great.

Supporting the Troops by Saving Their Marriages

ABC's World News Tonight shines spotlight on program aimed at saving military marriages

ABC Runs on Fumes with Detroit Auto Story

Anchor Gibson fails to explain how labor unions are partly to blame for GM, Ford 'Running on Empty.'

Networks Downplay Strong Pre-election Jobs Report

Networks gave negative news full attention in previous election cycles.
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