
'World News' Rediscovers Global Warming

Despite being overshadowed by financial crisis, ABC blames 'climate change' for melting ice in Greenland.

Media Endorse $700 Billion Economic 'Rescue'

Networks cheer market intervention, supply 'doomsday' predictions about economy without a bailout and claim it could turn a profit.

Stephanopoulos Wonders: Did McCain Blow Up Bailout for Credit?

Media join Democrats to question GOP nominee's motives in suspending campaign to focus on financial issues.

Times Harps on Palin's "Prepared Answers," Misleads on Her 9-11 Reference

Jim Rutenberg: "At times visibly nervous, at others appearing to hew so closely to prepared answers that she used the exact same phrases repeatedly, Ms. Palin most visibly stumbled when she was ...

About-Face: Media Outlets Turn on 'Cancer Vaccine' Maker

Two years after broadcast networks, newspapers heralded Gardasil 'breakthrough,' Merck under attack for marketing its product.

ABC's Gibson Guilts Exxon CEO

'World News' anchor ignores business principles, presses Rex Tillerson on 'why people are fed up, angry, indeed disgusted with the oil companies.'

ABC Covers Medical Marvels Extended to the Unborn

World News with Charles Gibson highlights the tiniest, most fragile of patients imaginable – unborn babies.

'World News' Clues in on Doubling Corn Prices, Ignores Culprit

Whodunit: Congress, in the Capitol, with the Ethanol Mandate

'World News' Predicts $7-a-Gallon Gasoline

ABC evening show predicts extreme price increase, but curiously explains the actual cause of high gasoline prices and provides some context.

Character Questions

ABC was right to ask about Obama's judgment and patriotism, and Hillary's honesty.
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