
Amanpour Touts Wall Street Protests as 'Revolution,' Pleased Politicians 'Finally' Recognize It

Offering the kind of respect, admiration and promotion ABC News has yet to offer Tea Party activists, Christiane Amanpour on Sunday asserted the far-left protesters are a "populist movement" ...
Media Research Center

Media Protecting "Food Stamp President" Obama By Ignoring Growing Food Stamp Crisis

MRC Study Finds Virtually No Coverage of Tragedy of 44 Million Americans On Government Food Assistance

ABC's Amanpour Chafes Over Focus on Debt, Pushes for 'Another Stimulus' Big Spending Bill

Looking at government as the best job creator, on Sunday's This Week ABC's Christiane Amanpour pushed her guests to agree the stagnant economy and growing unemployment argue for less concern about ...

Media Throw a Fit Over 'Rude' Netanyahu 'Lecturing' Obama

For many in the media Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's reaction to Barack Obama insistence that his country return to the 1967 borders was out of bounds. ABC's Christiane Amanpour declared she was ...

In Wake of IMF Chief's Rape Arrest, Journalists Tout France's 'Anita Hill Moment'

Yet another case study in how the liberal media never stop pushing their own interpretation of events: In a May 22 This Week roundtable about the arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn for the ...

Amanpour Accuses Paul Ryan of 'Reverse Robin Hoodism,' Freeland Urges 'Courage' to Raise Taxes

"This week - budget blowback," Christiane Amanpour trumpeted in framing her Sunday look, at reaction to Republican Congressman Paul Ryan's proposed budget plan, through those hostile to it, ...

ABC Highlights Democratic Claims of 'Drastic' Medicare Cuts as Political 'Gift' to Democrats

Saturday's World News on ABC highlighted complaints from Democrats about the Medicare reform plan proposed by Congressman Paul Ryan as the Wisconsin Republican seeks to restrain the growth of ...

ABC's Amanpour Warns GOP's 'Wind in Their Sail' from Budget 'Victory' Could Hurt Future Negotiations

Appearing on Sunday's Good Morning America on ABC, This Week host Christiane Amanpour suggested that Republican House Speaker John Boehner's perceived victory in recent budget negotiations with ...
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