Europe isn't socialist enough for ABC's Christiane Amanpour, who pushed French's finance minister about how "prominent" economists say "it needs more stimulus," and later New York Times columnist ...
After two shows featuring six advocates of the Ground Zero mosque, ABC on Sunday decided to air a "special This Week town hall debate, Holy War: Should Americans Fear Islam?" Christiane Amanpour ...
On Wednesday, CBS's Bob Schieffer contended the rise of Tea Party candidates "is very much like 1964" when they went to the right "and they lost in a landslide." On Sunday morning, another liberal ...
This Week anchor Christiane Amanpour appeared on Thursday's Good Morning America and offered a softball question to Hillary Clinton about her daughter's wedding. After discussing Middle East ...
ABC's Christiane Amanpour used Sunday's This Week to again shame Americans for their intolerance and Islamophobia as she railed against the ignorance of too many Americans, provided a friendly ...
Iman Feisal Abdul Rauf chose ABC's Christiane Amanpour to spend "several hours" with on Thursday in New York City, and just as she did back in August on This Week, she again served as his public ...