
Christiane Amanpour Gets Cozy with Tina Brown, Touts Newsweek Editor's List of Important Women, Including Amanpour

Newsweek and Daily Beast editor Tina Brown flattered This Week host Christiane Amanpour by placing her on a list of 150 women who "shake the world." The ABC anchor responded to this praise by ...

Amanpour Frets: 'Will the Deep Budget Cuts on the Table Stick a Fork in the Recovery?'

Picking up on an argument made by economist Mark Zandi - whom the Washington Post described as "an architect of the 2009 stimulus package" - ABC's Christiane Amanpour on Sunday morning, presuming ...

Bozell Column: The Media on Wisconsin? A Bad Joke

What incredible gall for the national media try to transform Wisconsin from conservative juggernaut to Egyptian dictatorship in a heartbeat. Their political imagination (or delusion) is just ...

Wisconsin Unions vs. The Tea Party: A Classic Double Standard

ABC, CBS and NBC Repeatedly Denounced "Incivility" from the Tea Party, but Not a Peep About Nasty Signs from Union Protesters

Tea Party 'Extreme' to Amanpour, But Union Protesters a 'Populist' Show of 'People Power'

Last October, ABC's Christiane Amanpour characterized the Tea Party as "extreme," declaring "people are looking at the Tea Party and saying this is not conservatism as we knew it but it's ...

All Three Networks Agree: Obama Sounded 'Reaganesque' in State of the Union

During coverage of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night, all three broadcast networks, CBS, NBC and ABC, managed to compare the tone of the speech to that of Ronald Reagan. ...

Amanpour Hails Obama as 'Reaganesque' But Contended Tea Party Too 'Extreme' for Reagan

ABC's Christiane Amanpour hailed President Obama's State of the Union address as "very Reaganesque," but in October, holding herself up as some kind of protector of Reagan's legacy, she feigned ...

Schieffer Dismisses ObamaCare Repeal as 'Waste of Time,' Amanpour Baffled by Tea Party: 'What on Earth Do They Mean By That?'

Two signs Sunday morning of how the Washington press corps are dismissive and befuddled by the Tea Party. On This Week, they flummoxed Christiane Amanpour: "What on earth do they mean by that?" On ...

Christiane Amanpour Spins JFK Assassination as 'Relevant' to 'Political Atmosphere' of Today

According to ABC's Christiane Amanpour, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is "eerily relevant" to the attempted killing of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords less than two weeks ago. ...
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