
Media Research Center

CNN Hypes Paul Ryan Getting His 'Knuckles Rapped' by Georgetown Priests

When liberal Catholics protested Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) speaking at Georgetown University on Thursday, CNN jumped all over the story and gave it 11 full minutes of coverage during the 9-11 ...
Media Research Center

Andrew Sullivan Accuses Catholic Bishops of Politicizing Contraception Debate

Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS saw a ridiculing of the Catholic bishops and Republicans for their stances against contraception and the HHS mandate. The liberal panel was quite hostile to ...

‘Good Christian’ Bashing Show Gets Racial

New episode ‘Forbidden Fruit’ brings anti-Christian attacks to total of 137.
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Says Kirk Cameron Was Being 'Deliberately Inflammatory' to Homosexuals

CNN's Piers Morgan and conservative actor Kirk Cameron are still clashing over their March 2 interview where Cameron professed that homosexuality was "ultimately destructive" to civilization. ...
Media Research Center

‘GCB’: Come for the Christian-Baiting, Stay for the Bad Sex Jokes

If “Love is Patient” then why does “GCB” feel the need to devote an entire episode solely to sexual self-gratification in marriage? 
Media Research Center

CNN Asks Catholic Bishop 'Why Not Get on Board' and Support Gay Marriage

CNN's Kyra Phillips asked a Catholic bishop on Thursday "why not get on board" with dissenting Catholics who favor gay marriage. Given CNN's past support for LGBT causes, they clearly would not ...
Media Research Center

‘GCB’ - Desperately Un-Christian Housewives

In just over 40 minutes ABC managed to degrade Christianity 30 times in its sex-and-sin filled pilot episode of “GCB,” which is anything but Christian.  
Media Research Center

CNN Kisses Up to Jimmy Carter and His 'Lessons of Faith'

Former President Jimmy Carter has gotten some love from CNN recently, and he received another warm interview Sunday morning from correspondent Martin Savidge. CNN touted Carter's "lessons of ...
Media Research Center

CNN Lobs Softballs as Contributor Says GOP Isn't Fighting for Liberty of 'Muslims and Mosques'

Republicans are deceitfully playing with words to avoid being slammed as homophobes, racists, and bigots, claimed CNN contributor L.Z. Granderson on Thursday morning's Newsroom. Anchor Kyra ...
Media Research Center

CNN Hits Santorum for His Religious Beliefs

Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum merely stated his affirmation of the Catholic Church's condemnation of contraception, but CNN's Mary Snow ran a critical segment on Thursday ...
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