Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas admits divide in 'progressive movement'; receives little fanfare as compared to media exploitation when conservatives disagree.
CNN senior political analyst David Gergen went so far to compare the Senate's cloture vote early Monday morning on ObamaCare to the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision. Seconds after the ...
CNN's John Roberts and his guest, Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, pushed for President Obama to break a campaign promise to not increase taxes on those who make less than $250,000, and ...
CNN's Larry King equated efforts against further regulation of the banking industry to letting the mentally ill run their psych wards on his program on Monday. King pressed conservative columnist ...
CNN's David Gergen played up the difficulties that President Obama has faced on Monday's Anderson Cooper 360, underscored the importance of the coming week for the executive, and compared him to ...
CNN's Jack Cafferty all but endorsed a global version of China's oppressive one-child policy on Friday's Situation Room. He repeated the argument of Canadian journalist Diane Francis, that ...
Thomas Friedman of the New York Times dismissed the ClimateGate scandal during an interview on Thursday's Situation Room on CNN, labeling it "nonsense" and an "idiot debate." Anchor Wolf Blitzer ...
CNN made a real, day-long effort on Monday to address the climate-change debate as a debate, giving skeptics of manmade climate change a series of chances to match the leftist view, especially ...