Democratic strategist Paul Begala can be relied upon to use the "drug card" against Rush Limbaugh and he was true to form on Tuesday's Situation Room. When CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked what it would ...
CNN's Jack Cafferty and Wolf Blitzer endorsed Thomas Friedman's "scary and sobering column" in the New York Times where the liberal writer compared the American political climate to Israel in 1995 ...
Liberals suggest that conservative anger might lead to violence, but conservative protests are happy and lawful, while left-wing protests draw hundreds of arrests for violence and property ...
CNN's Fareed Zakaria gave President Obama's diplomacy-first foreign policy a ringing endorsement on his program on Sunday, lauding it as a breath of fresh air: "Obama is betting that America has ...
CNN's Larry King fawned over Michael Moore during an hour-long interview on his program on Wednesday, calling the leftist's latest feature "a brilliant documentary," and went on to label the ...