CNN on Thursday twice ran a glowing documentary-style report about a left-wing Capitol Hill rally in favor of ObamaCare. Anchor Heidi Collins introduced the 10am ET version by praising the "work ...
HBO's Bill Maher, after being asked during a segment on Monday's Situation Room on CNN to explain his recent "soulless vampire bastards" moniker of the current health care system, pushed for ...
Wednesday's Situation Room on CNN devoted nearly three times as much time to clips from advocates of overturning the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy than the one sound bite from a ...
CNN glowingly featured an entire segment on Thursday's American Morning about Wendell Potter, a former chief corporate spokesman for the health insurance company Cigna, and he attempted to ...
During CNN's breaking news coverage of the Supreme Court's reversal of Sonia Sotomayor in a reverse discrimination case, CNN's Jeffrey Toobin labeled the majority as "five conservatives" and ...
CBS 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl interviewed CNN correspondent Christiane Amanpour for the website The Women on the Web, and the oddest part came when Amanpour insisted "nobody knows my ...
CNN's Campbell Brown used a proponent's own talking point about Obama's health plan as she pressed a doctor over his skepticism of the project during her Monday program: "There's plenty of ...