CNN anchor Rick Sanchez fairly moderated a debate between glacier photographer James Balog and Marc Morano of on Thursday's Newsroom about the issue of climate change. Sanchez did ...
Jack Cafferty went above and beyond many of his colleagues in the media by highlighting the ClimateGate scandal on Wednesday's Situation Room. He presented both sides of the controversy, noting ...
Even though all three of Wednesday's broadcast network evening newscasts reported on President Obama's decision to attend the climate change summit in Copenhagen, they also continued to ignore ...
On Monday's Situation Room, Suzanne Malveaux became the latest CNN personality to use the offensive "teabagger" label to describe opponents of ObamaCare: "Do we expect to see the kinds of big ...
On Monday's AC360, CNN's Anderson Cooper forwarded the media's new talking point about the New York congressional race, that "tea Party protesters and other conservative voices are...driving ...
On Monday's AC360, CNN's Anderson Cooper forwarded the media's new talking point about the New York congressional race, that "tea Party protesters and other conservative voices are...driving ...