Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Welcomes Democratic Mayor But Belittles Romney Advisor

While CNN's Soledad O'Brien tossed softballs at Democratic Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, she was not so kind to her Republican guest during the next hour, on Thursday's ...
Media Research Center

CNN Legal Analyst Toobin Dismisses GOP Accusations Against Holder

Dismissing Republican accusations against Eric Holder as "politics," CNN legal analyst Jeff Toobin claimed that allegations of corruption against the Attorney General have "not been proven at ...
Media Research Center

CNN Asks If Catholic Church Is Being 'Dictatorial' With American Nuns

A day after asking if the Catholic church is waging a "war on women," CNN teed up liberal Sister Simone Campbell by asking if Rome is being "dictatorial" in its recent dealings with ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Cues Up Obama Campaign Operative to Agree There Should Be Another Stimulus

CNN's Soledad O'Brien spoonfed Democratic talking points to President Obama's deputy campaign manager on Monday's Starting Point.
Media Research Center

Wolf Blitzer Fawns to Bill Clinton Over Chelsea: 'She Got the Best of Her Mom, the Best of Her Dad'

After letting Bill Clinton get away with his ridiculous excuse for supporting a temporary extension of the Bush tax cuts, Wolf Blitzer kissed up to the former president by fawning over his ...
Media Research Center

CNN Airs Four Uninterrupted Minutes of Obama Campaign Propaganda

The media's crush on Bill Clinton has only grown stronger since he left office, and CNN renewed its affection for the former president on Tuesday by airing over four minutes of him ...
Media Research Center

Not Biased? CNN Has Obama Donor Bill Maher Guest Host for Piers Morgan

The next time CNN denies having any liberal bias, it will have to explain having liberal Obama donor Bill Maher guest-hosting on Friday night during prime-time. Not only is Maher an avowed ...
Media Research Center

CNN Showcases Romney's Connection to Trump, But Had No Initial Inquiry of Bill Maher and Obama

CNN jumped all over Donald Trump's "birther" remarks on Tuesday as Trump hosted a fund raiser for Mitt Romney. CNN ran the story almost every single hour on Tuesday evening and Wednesday ...
Media Research Center

Obsession? CNN Devotes Over Half Hour of Coverage Thursday to Obama Campaign's Attack Strategy

CNN devoted over four times the coverage to the Obama campaign's new attack strategy on Thursday than it initially gave to the largest religious lawsuit in U.S. history. Over 32 minutes of ...
Media Research Center

CNN Promotes Liberal Nun's Fight Against Vatican, Hosts No Guest from Other Side

The liberal host of the public radio show "Interfaith Voices," Sister Maureen Fiedler has cheered for the Occupy protests, railed against the Ryan budget, advocated for single-payer healthcare, ...
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