CNN is clearly supporting the cause of same-sex marriage as evidenced by Sunday night's slander of Mitt Romney and its heavily slanted
coverage of President Obama's "historic" gay marriage ...
After President Obama publicly supported gay marriage on Wednesday, CNN continued
its cheerleading well into Wednesday evening, including a happy
interview of openly-gay congressman Barney ...
In a rather blatant show of a double standard on Thursday's Starting Point, CNN's Soledad O'Brien
interrupted and grilled the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins over
his opposition to ...
Contrary to the media's lack of coverage
of President Obama's high school escapades, CNN's Soledad O'Brien
promptly jumped on a "harrowing" Washington Post story featuring accusations of ...
Even though CNN's Suzanne Malveaux admitted she had no clue what Mitt
Romney actually did in high school, she and a guest psychologist tried
to speculate away on Friday afternoon's Newsroom. ...
On Wednesday's Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN host Piers Morgan mocked Catholic League president Bill Donohue's declaration that Catholicism demands that gay children should still be loved by their ...
After CNN's Erin Burnett lamented the defeat of "moderate" Dick Lugar in
Indiana's GOP Senate primary, Wednesday's Starting Point panel had a
cold welcome for the victorious Tea Party ...
It didn't take long after President Obama voiced his support for
same-sex marriage for CNN to gauge the enthusiasm of those in favor of
the move. After the news broke at 3 p.m Wednesday, the ...
After Vice President Joe Biden voiced his support of same-sex marriage
over the weekend, CNN jumped all over the news on Monday and expectantly
wondered if President Obama would follow suit. ...