Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Spins Statement, Botches Facts About Romney's Jobs Record

CNN's Soledad O'Brien took Rudy Giuliani's words about Mitt Romney and spun them into a criticism of his jobs record, when in fact Giuliani had praised the candidate's resume on Sunday's State ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Schneider Analyzes Gender Gap, Jokes 'Men Are Stupid'

Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, CNN's senior political analyst, Bill Schneider, undermined the judgement of men versus women while analyzing the gender ...
Media Research Center

Ex-ABC News Head Westin Defends Ban on American Flag Pins

Appearing as a guest on Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN to plug his book, Exit Interview, former ABC News President David Westin recounted his decision to continue barring journalists from ...
Media Research Center

CNN Examines Obama's Donations from Bain Employees – But How Much Have They Actually Reported on It?

CNN's Dana Bash reported Friday on the irony of President Obama hitting Mitt Romney's connections to Bain Capital when he himself has received donations from Bain employees. CNN has ...
Media Research Center

CNN Fails to Refute Bogus Numbers Claiming 'Obama Spending Binge Never Happened'

While most anyone with common sense would label Obama a big spender, a MarketWatch report – re-circulated by the White House – absurdly claims Obama's "spending binge never happened" and that ...
Media Research Center

Stephanopoulos Wife Ali Wentworth: 'I Would Like My Vagina to be Taken Off the Table in Politics'

Appearing as a guest on Thursday's Piers Morgan Tonight, actress and comedienne Ali Wentworth brought up "reproduction rights" and Planned Parenthood as issues she is concerned about when host ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Morgan Was 'Absolutely Thrilled' When Obama Pledged to Close Guantanamo

On Thursday's Piers Morgan Tonight, during an interview with Obama supporter and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, host Piers Morgan declared that he was "absolutely thrilled" when President ...
Media Research Center

CNN Asks Tony Perkins 'Why Do Homosexuals Bother You So Much?'

Unsatisfied with Tony Perkins' explanation of his opposition to same-sex marriage, CNN's Brooke Baldwin flat-out asked him why homosexuals "bother" him "so much," on Thursday afternoon. ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Spins Romney's Words on Bain, Suggests He's Dodging the Questions

CNN's Soledad O'Brien spun Mitt Romney's words into a dodging-the-question moment for the candidate on the matter of Bain Capital, on Thursday's Starting Point. Specifically, she took ...
Media Research Center

Wolf Blitzer Asks the Conservative-Bashing Questions of GOP-Bashing Guest

On Thursday's The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer simply tossed softballs to GOP-bashing Norm Ornstein, who had hit the party before as "extreme" and "unmoved by conventional understanding ...
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