Last month, when the Republican Governor of South Carolina named GOP
U.S. Representative Tim Scott to the U.S. Senate, the “first African
American U.S. Senator from the South since Blanche ...
The three networks on Monday night and Tuesday morning hailed a "historic" potential change by the Boy Scouts that would lift the ban on gays in their organization. ABC compared the move to a ...
The annual pro-life march, this year marking the 40th anniversary of the
Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision, drew tens of thousands to
Washington, DC on Friday, but didn’t garner a syllable ...
ABC and NBC, and CBS to a lesser extent, on Wednesday night
treated Secretary of State Clinton’s appearances before Senate and House
committees not as an chance to explore Obama administration ...
Barack Obama's second inaugural met with much praise from the journalists at ABC. World News anchor Diane Sawyer hyped the President's mentions of gays as a recognition of the "modern American ...
All three broadcast network evening newscasts on Friday night ran short
items on the federal corruption indictments against the bumbling former
Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, but skipped his ...
ABC on Tuesday began a multi-show push to promote the gun control crusade of Gabby Giffords and her husband. Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos kicked off the program by trumpeting, " ...
World News anchor Diane Sawyer on Thursday highlighted the 20 newly sworn-in women in the U.S. Senate as a way to push a liberal, pro-abortion agenda. Mostly ignoring conservative females, Sawyer ...