All three networks on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning ignored the violent assaults by union protesters in Michigan, instead vaguely insisting that activists were simply "voicing their anger" ...
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer continues to tout the Obama Administration’s
spin that tax hikes on the wealthy are the only solution to the looming “fiscal
cliff” catastrophe.
At his first post-election news conference, journalists push President Obama to fulfill liberal dreams on raising taxes, climate change and amnesty, while MSNBC's Richard Wolffe insists onetime ...
Two ABC News stars have proven, once again, the media’s obsession with
raising taxes over any effort to cut a cent of spending. Two days after
the election, anchor Diane Sawyer repeatedly ...
Wold News host Diane Sawyer on Thursday grilled John Boehner, pushing the House Speaker to support tax increases in the wake of Barack Obama's victory. In a clip played on Friday's Good Morning ...
ABC, CBS and NBC did their part Friday night to minimize the negative
impact to the Obama campaign from the rise in the unemployment rate from
7.8 to 7.9 percent in October. ABC anchor Diane ...
ABC’s World News on Thursday continued its week-plus
blackout of any of the new revelations about the Obama administration’s
dissembling on what occurred before and after the Benghazi ...
ABC News has mostly ignored the blockbuster revelation that the Obama White House knew, within hours, about the terrorist connection to the September 11, 2012 attack in Libya. Instead, shows ...