The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) Wednesday evening newscasts devoted more than 9 minutes (9 minutes, 28 seconds) to the flap over Mitt Romney's statement criticizing the administration's handling of ...
Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts, ABC's World News on Tuesday failed to mention Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's criticism of the Obama administration for not ...
After hyping that Bill Clinton might deliver "his patented rocket fuel"
to the DNC on Wednesday night, ABC swooned over his "perfect tone" and
compared him to an "old pro." "Strikes me, ...
The hosts and reporters on Monday's Good Morning America downplayed a new ABC News/Washington Post poll
showing Mitt Romney taking the lead over Barack Obama. It wasn't until
the 8am hour that ...
NBC, which shamefully ignored the "Fast and Furious" controversy for months, failed to cover on their newscasts Monday evening and Tuesday morning the FBI offering a combined $1 million reward for ...
Chief Justice John Roberts may have angered conservatives with his decisive vote in favor of ObamaCare, but he was, in CBS anchor Scott Pelley’s words, the “man of the hour” on all three network ...
As the Supreme Court overturned most of Arizona's immigration law, once again, those impartial network producers were the
sob sisters of illegal aliens instead of objective journalists.
The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the law requiring Arizona law
enforcement to check the immigration status of those they suspect are
illegal is “very disappointing and very dangerous,” ...
World News anchor Diane Sawyer has a habit of showcasing
fawning, deeply irrelevant stories on prominent Democrats. She continued
this pattern on Thursday, informing viewers that Hillary ...