
Times Buys Liberal Conspiracy Theory on Karl Rove's Alabama Slam of Dem. Gov.

"...Karl Rove was asked if he had a role in the Justice Department's decision to prosecute Don Siegelman. The former Democratic governor of Alabama was convicted and sentenced to more than seven ...

On Memorial Day Times Accuses Bush of "Having Squandered Soldiers' Lives" in Iraq

The White House responded: "Once again, the New York Times Editorial Board doesn't let the facts get in the way of expressing its vitriolic opinions - no matter how misleading they may be."

The Times' Hypocritcal Defense of Political Free Speech

The Times sees a threat to free speech in the Supreme Court's ruling in a child porn case - but last year it excoriated the Supreme Court for expanding political speech.

Washington Examiner CEO: Free Content Key to Newspaper Success

Michael Phelps advocates editorial posture 'slightly right of center' and 'pro-business.'

An Economic Reporter's Wacky Idea of Utopia: Let Government Spend Even More

Eduardo Porter: "But philanthropy allows [Americans] to target spending on those they personally believe are deserving, instead of allowing the government to choose....Politicians, from Richard ...

Obama's "Nuanced" Race Speech Marks Return of Lincoln, JFK

The Times glorifies Obama and skips his apparent contradiction - he'd previously denied hearing controversial statements by Rev. Wright.

Editorial: Everything's All Right on Obama-Wright

Hagiography over Obama on the editorial page: "What is evident, though, is that he not only cleared the air over a particular controversy - he raised the discussion to a higher plane."

With Ignorant Gun-Control Editorial, Times Plugs Itself in the Foot

The Times' ignorance and naivete shows in a pro-gun control editorial: If the D.C. gun law is so great, why does the city have one of the nation's highest crime rates? And if gun regulations are ...

Times Still Clueless About Crime Cause and Effect

There they go again: "...but incarceration rates have continued to rise while crime rates have fallen." Hey, maybe the reason crime rates have fallen is that more criminals are in jail!

Not Melodramatic at All

A lead editorial makes an oblique comparison between the "Iron Curtain" of Soviet Communism and a hypothetical fence to secure the U.S.-Mexico border.
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