The reporters of ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday offered a one-sided take on the Supreme Court's "historic hearing on marriage equality." The morning show featured four voices in support of ...
New York Times columnist Frank Bruni, a former White House
reporter for the Times, followed Sen. John McCain in mocking attendees
of the latest Conservative Political Action Conference (aka ...
From Frank Bruni's Sunday column on gay marriage and the Republican Party: "CPAC, mind you, is no enclave of moderation and
reason. It’s more like an aviary for the far-right 'wacko birds' whom ...
A front-page Times profile of Brian Brown,
president of the National Organization for Marriage, which fights gay
marriage legislation, was actually fair until reporter Sheryl Gay
Stolberg's ...
Wrapping up a panel discussion on Monday's NBC Today about Ohio
Republican Senator Rob Portman coming out in support of gay marriage,
co-host Matt Lauer voiced suspicion about the timing of ...
On Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer touted "breaking
news" that Ohio Senator Rob Portman, "a leading figure in the Republican
Party," was now in favor of gay marriage after learning that ...
The paper's front-page profile of the new pope quickly turned the talk back to the concerns of liberal Manhattan journalists: "But Cardinal Bergoglio is also a conventional choice, a theological ...
New York Times reporter Kirk Johnson, hypersensitive to conservative retreat
in the Western states, used an upcoming Supreme Court case as an
excuse to lead more cheers for gay rights in ...
Reporting on the Supreme Court taking up the issue of gay marriage for the first time, on Friday's NBC Nightly News, justice correspondent Pete Williams proclaimed: "The
fact that the Court has ...
Apparently, opponents of gay marriage all look the same to ABC. As reporter Terry Moran on Friday highlighted the news that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear two cases on the issue of same sex ...