To get reaction to President Obama's flip-flop on gay marriage,
Thursday's NBC Today brought on openly gay left-wing MSNBC host Rachel
Maddow, who quickly attacked Republicans on the issue: ...
In a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today about President Obama
announcing his support for gay marriage on Wednesday, co-host Savannah
Guthrie confessed to the group of all liberal ...
The New York Times played make-believe on the front page Wednesday. Media reporter Brian Stelter described a transgender plot on "Glee," marrying lesbian doctors on "Grey's Anatomy," and two men ...
New York Times reporter Adam Nagourney comes off his Los Angeles beat to herald President Obama's risk-taking and hails the "historic significance" of his fully evolved support of gay marriage: ...
Minutes after Barack Obama came out for gay marriage, Wednesday, Chris
Matthews appeared on MSNBC to compare opponents of such unions to
"wolves" and to link them to supporters of slavery. ...
ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper on Monday grilled the White House press secretary over Barack Obama's position on gay marriage and whether he will change his stance after the 2012 election. ...
Talking to Meet the Press host David Gregory on Monday's NBC Today,
co-host Ann Curry pushed for Mitt Romney to move away from
conservatives: "...does he have to work really hard now to ...
Former executive editor Bill Keller talks to Mike Long, head of the Conservative Party of New York State, and slants their conversation on gay marriage: "It is difficult to construct an argument ...
Leading off an interview with conservative Christian actor Kirk Cameron
on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry immediately attacked him for
recent comments he made to CNN's Piers Morgan: ...