Gay Marriage

Media Research Center

NYT's Stelter Reports Media's Support for Gay Marriage, as His Paper Displays It

Is there only one correct stand to take on gay rights? Reporters Helene Cooper and Jeremy Peters confirm media admission that they are universally supportive of gay marriage: "Justice Lewis Powell ...
Media Research Center

Frank Bruni Picks on 21-Year-Old Bristol Palin: Hypocrite, Bad Mother

Columnist Frank Bruni aims down: "Say what you will about Bristol Palin, she’s a quick study. It didn’t take her long to master the ways of her elders on the censorious right and decide that ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Curry: Is Romney 'On the Wrong Side of History' on Gay Marriage?

After grilling Romney campaign adviser Eric Fehrnstrom on a variety of topics on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry wrapped up the interview by portraying Mitt Romney's support of ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Published Poll Showing Bad News for Obama on Gay Marriage Stand, Romney Matchup...on Page A17

Not until paragraph 15 of 19 do we learn Obama trails Romney by three: "With less than six months until the election, Mr. Obama remains in a tight race with Mr. Romney. A month ago, a Times/CBS ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Chris Matthews to Black Pastor: 'I Hope You Evolve'

Hardball anchor Chris Matthews, who routinely smears his political opponents as racist, on Monday lectured an African American minister who opposes gay marriage, "I hope you evolve." The host ...
Media Research Center

Liberals Dominate 4 to 1 on Meet the Press Panel Praising Obama's Gay Marriage Support

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, American Conservative Union president Al Cardenas squared off against a group of left-wing pundits on the subject of President Obama announcing his support for ...
Media Research Center

Media "Uniformly" Back Obama on Gay Marriage; "Getting Chills" Upon Hearing Obama’s "Historic Words"

The media cheer Barack Obama's flip-flop in favor of gay "marriage," with his handpicked interviewer, ABC's Robin Roberts, confessing to "getting chills" upon hearing his "historic words" on the ...
Media Research Center

NBC Cheers Obama 'Cashing In' On 'History' of Gay Marriage Announcement

Leading off Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams enthusiastically touted the President's fundraising efforts: "President Obama cashing in the day after his gay marriage ...
Media Research Center

Making Bias Official: Newspaper Guild Applauds Obama Gay Marriage Views

Guild President says 'Time to move Forward.'
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes Gay Marriage Infomercial With Obama as a 'Historic' 'Riveting' 'Cultural Event'

On ABC's World News, Wednesday, Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts hyped Barack Obama's endorsement of gay marriage as a "historic," "riveting" "cultural event." The interview played more as an ...
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