Two days after California voters upheld man-woman marriage by voting for Prop. 8, the media stopped reporting the facts and started beating its civil rights drum.
Newspaper claims shutting down the same-sex weddings will deepen economic crisis, doesn't mention that 'huge' impact is less than three-tenths of a percent of the state's deficit.
A "wind-whipped wildfire" of religious conservatives are battling gay marriage in California "in stunningly apocalyptic terms," reports Laurie Goodstein.
The Hollywood same-sex nuptials give the media a tremendous opportunity to address the issue of same-sex 'marriage,' the Defense of Marriage Act and Democratic support of California's gay marriage ...
The Times takes every angle in support of a controversial California Supreme Court ruling, even pondering whether the newly legal gay marriage will benefit the state's economy.
The state's largest newspaper, and the oldest in the nation, The Hartford Courant, hasn't covered the case on its news pages since it was argued last May. But that doesn't mean the paper has kept ...