Times media reporter Brian Stelter suggests Fox News used bad, biased news judgment in covering "a Texas fertilizer plant explosion" (that has so far killed 12 people) instead of Obama's petulant ...
ABC on Wednesday and Thursday parroted Barack Obama's anger over the failure of his gun control bill, touting the President's rage over this "shameful day." On World News and Good Morning America, ...
The Times is not taking the defeat of gun control very well. Jonathan Weisman: "A wrenching national search for solutions to the violence that left 20
children dead in Newtown, Conn., all but ...
Within an hour of news that former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had passed away, reporters were hurling epithets, claiming she "punished communites," "decimated entire industries," and ...
CNN has resorted to airing a 2011 al Qaeda video highlighting America's
lax gun laws as a legitimate critique of the current laws. "You know who's watching this whole gun debate playing out in ...
CNN's pro-gun control bias is so bad, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin
(W.Va.) thanked them for their "support" of his efforts to pass gun legislation on Thursday's Starting Point. After a Tuesday ...
Hardball's Chris Matthews on Thursday again smeared pro-Second Amendment Senators, this time comparing them to "Jim Crow" racists. While talking about GOP politicians who threatened to filibuster ...
World News reporter David Muir on Wednesday aggressively pushed gun control with a recycled, one-sided report on the ease of buying weapons. Muir also failed to identify Omar Samaha, featured ...
On Tuesday's Piers Morgan Live, CNN's Christiane Amanpour
claimed that states with strict gun laws have "lower gun crime" and
argued for more gun control. By citing "states" she ignored cities ...