CNN's Don Lemon smacked Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) on Friday for being
"inaccurate" and "misleading" in grilling Sen. Dianne Feinstein
(D-Calif.) on the Second Amendment. Lemon didn't provide any ...
CNN's Piers Morgan bullied gun rights advocate John Lott on his Wednesday night show, repeatedly interrupting him and lecturing him. At one point Morgan told his guest, "I'm going to keep ...
After calling for getting "guns and bullets and automatic weapons off the streets" after the Newtown shooting, CNN's Don Lemon insisted to the Dallas Voice that it "wasn't advocacy" and he was ...
All three network newscasts on Friday featured Chicago as an example of Barack Obama's call for more gun control. ABC and NBC ignored the inconvenient fact that the city already has some of the ...
MRC analysts reviewed all 216 gun policy stories on the Big Three networks’ evening (ABC’s World News, CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News) and morning show programs (ABC’s Good Morning America, ...
ABC's Diane Sawyer on Wednesday pushed the pro-gun control angle as she highlighted the debate in Congress over a "nation awash in guns." After World News reporter Jon Karl recapped the testimony ...
Times reporter Monica Davey glimpses the ineffectiveness of gun control, but sidesteps the obvious conclusion: "And yet Chicago, a city with no civilian gun ranges and bans on
both assault ...
After five years of ignoring it, the New York Times finally
acknowledged the annual March for Life with a story this year -- only to
bury it on page 9, underneath a story criticizing the ...
Between the multiple editorials calling for stricter gun laws and the denunciations of the NRA by its reporters, it's safe to say the urban liberals at the New York Times lack a cultural affinity ...