
Media Revelation: Ethanol is Causing Inflation

CNBC's Cramer confronts Clinton on ethanol fallacy in interview; 'Nightly News' admits corn is causing higher food prices.

Newsweek's Alter on Clinton: 'One of the Worst Run Campaigns in Modern Political History'

Magazine's senior editor says being uninformed is your own fault; says CBS demise caused by lack of cable news outlet.

ElectionWatch: Networks Downplay Earmarks, Despite Millions Spent by Clinton and Obama

Print outlets and CNN report findings from budget watchdog, but study completely ignored by CBS.

Still No "Liberals" Among the Big-Business Assaulting Democrats

More "populism," not liberalism, in the Democratic race for president, even as Hillary lashes into the "two oilmen in the White House" and attacks drug companies.

Nets Ignore Michelle Obama's Lack of Pride in America

News shows do cover Barack Obama's insignificant plagiarism spat with Hillary Clinton.

Nets Slam Gun Rights

Following the Valentine's Day shootings at NIU, the network tom-toms pounded out the familiar anti-Second Amendment beat – even taking whacks at Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Hillary, Queen of All Media

How top American journalists kowtowed to Candidate Clinton.

Former S.F. Mayor: Obama Will Face 'Pushback' from Supporters

Brown says candidate will find resistance on issues like 'income inequality.'

Krugman on "Journalists Who Hate the Clintons"

Paul Krugman fires back on Hillary-hating Obama-supporters: "As I've said, you've been played like a fiddle by journalists who hate the Clintons, and just make stuff up about how evil they are."

'GMA' Super Tuesday: Health Care, 'Recession' and Hillary in a Tutu

Anchor Robin Roberts lobs softball questions to Democratic presidential hopeful Clinton.
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