
ABC Gives Disgraced Pastor Platform to Bash Religious Right

'World News Sunday' features one-sided, anti-conservative segment with Ted Haggard

AP Reports Day Without A Gay Only One Way

In 'call in gay' story, AP ignores traditional marriage supporters; features event creators and lefty teachers eager to introduce gay issues to students.

eHarmony Caves In to Intimidation Litigation

Will more bullies be encouraged to sue businesses that operate according to religious values?

CNN, Newspapers Beat the Drum for Same-Sex Marriage

Nationwide anti-Prop. 8 protests get little broadcast news attention.

Pregnant 'Man': Barbara Walters Struggles Against Reality

ABC News's leading lady is using Thomas Beatie to persuade Americans to accept nontraditional families.

Media Have a Proposition for Calif. Churches: You're Bigots

Two days after California voters upheld man-woman marriage by voting for Prop. 8, the media stopped reporting the facts and started beating its civil rights drum.

Down a Dark Abby

The Culture and Media Institutes analysis of Dear Abbys 2007 columns reveals that the worlds leading advice columnist cannot be trusted to promote traditional sexual morality but she can be ...

Ballot Measure Results Mixed for Values Issues

Voters upheld man-woman marriage in three states, but pro-life measures went down.

The Enduring Culture War

Some pundits claim the political battles over moral values are effectively at an end. They're kidding themselves.

Media Ignore Pro-Family Victory in McDonald's Boycott

The fast-food giant has withdrawn from the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.
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