
Anne Hathaway Leaves Church to Media Cheers

Actress cites Catholic position on homosexuality; USA Today and The Huffington Post call the Church 'intolerant.'

Newsweek Column: 'Same-sex Marriage is an American Value'

Ted Olson pushes for gay unions without taking into account many drawbacks.

Degrading 'Degrassi'

Nickelodeon airs all kinds of child-friendly programming - but one series on Teen Nick is deliberately pushing the gay agenda to youngsters.

Ridiculous Idol Excuses

When a male singer kisses another man and simulates oral sex on national television, it's ridiculous to suggest that none of this was planned, that it was just a spontaneous event.

ABC Serves Up 'Family' with PC Message

New fall show delivers more pro-gay propaganda.

Networks Ignore Push for Repeal of DOMA

ABC, CBS and NBC continue pattern of whitewashing gay issues.

MSNBC Goes to Bat Against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Viewers would never know there are two side to the gays in the military debate.

No Cash for 'Bruno'

I wasn't willing to give these slimy people my $9.50, or $1.50. By all accounts, "Bruno" is another shocking and disgusting attempt to dishonestly manipulate Americans into looking ignorant and ...

WaPo: 'Bruno' a Commentary on America's Fear of Sex

It's not the flaunting of sexuality, it's the sexuality itself.

'O' Magazine Goes to Bat for Lesbian Love

In an emotional six page narrative, Oprah's magazine comes out in favor of lesbianism.
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