
A Lady Under Fire

A Washington Post columnist claims a supporter of the ban on gays in the military exhibited rage in Congressional testimony -- but The Hill reveals that the rage was on the other side.

Washington Post Tells Kids Homosexuality Is Fine

Article cites pro-homosexual groups, but includes no opposing views or information about health risks associated with the lifestyle.

Media Ignore Impending Collision: Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty

'Fascism has come to Canada,' writes a Canadian priest. Is America next in line?

Librarians Against, and For, Censorship

Challenging libraries to provide titles they're not stocking would turn the tables and make people realize that librarians can also be censorious in the titles they choose not to display. The mere ...

Profiles in Cowardice, Unreported

Smith College allows militant lesbians to silence a speaker; APA, pressured by gay activists, cancels a panel on therapy for homosexuals. Liberal media ignore both stories.

A May Day for Feminism at the Post

Women belong in combat, and mothers don't need husbands.

Washington Post Targets Mother in Tangled Tango Reporting

A Virginia school system employee and her children have been exposed to retaliation for opposing a pro-gay children's book.

Sermon from Mt. Obama Raises Big Questions

Barack Obama has expounded his revised standard version of the Sermon on the Mount, but the MSM couldn't care less if Obama waxes theological from here to eternity.

Media Spike Story on Obama Citing Jesus to Justify Same-Sex Civil Unions

Not a single paper or network covers Obama rejecting the Book of Romans' teaching on homosexuality.
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