The Times is not taking the defeat of gun control very well. Jonathan Weisman: "A wrenching national search for solutions to the violence that left 20
children dead in Newtown, Conn., all but ...
The Times hypes prospects for Obama's gun control: "...eking out the first 60 votes would represent momentum for the
bill’s supporters in the Senate, and an egg-on-the-face moment for those
Ugh. Jennifer Steinhauer on the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: "Mr. Reid remains an enigma of sorts in Washington, a quiet force whose
voice is often barely audible, who skips Sunday talk ...
New York Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer missed the point in
her take on Michelle Obama's "star turn" on Oscar night: "...the question of whether it was proper or dignified or awesome
for ...
Jennifer Steinhauer: "But Senate Republicans, in particular,
who have added more conservative members to their ranks in the last two
years, and who fear the constant and imminent threat of ...
New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman can't understand why the House GOP didn't embrace the fiscal cliff agreement, and wonders why they cling to their bizarre opposition to tax hikes on the ...
Times reporter Jennifer Steinhauer used her full allotment of "conservative" labels describing the shock retirement of Sen. Jim DeMint, while another Steinhauer story condescendingly portrayed the ...
Jennifer Steinhauer pinpoints the Republican's problem: They weren't liberal enough. "Congressional Republicans’ heavy
focus on social issues affecting women -- like their proposals to reduce
Jennifer Steinhauer shone sour light on a bright spot for Republicans in yesterday's vote: "Deep disapproval of Congress and dissatisfaction with partisan
division appeared no match for ...
Jennifer Steinhauer brings bad tidings for several Tea Party candidates in November due to their "incendiary statements": "[Iowa Rep. Steve] King’s troubles underscore the liability of a national ...