On Tuesday night, each of the major broadcast networks devoted time to covering the swearing in of the 114th Congress and the race for House Speaker that saw John Boehner retain his post, but not ...
During Thursday’s NBC Nightly News, NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O’Donnell heaped praise on far left Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), anointing her “the liberal wing’s ...
The Wednesday editions of NBC Nightly News and ABC's World News Tonight
both spotlighted many Democratic lawmakers' objections to portions of a
proposed budget compromise in Congress. However, ...
After a month in which NBC Nightly News gave more prominence to ugly Christmas sweaters, grape salad, Al Roker's 34-hour weather report, and a live broadcast of Peter Pan starring Brian Williams' ...
The campaign's worst-kept secret was uncovered when the Kansas City Star,
on Sunday, reported that Democrats had financially backed so-called
independent candidate Greg Orman in his race to ...
On Thursday's NBC Today, while scolding New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for his handling of a heckler, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell declared: "Christie's week has been a lot like a series of ...
ABC and NBC failed to cover the upcoming midterm elections during their Wednesday evening broadcasts, but instead devoted over three-and-a-half minutes going after New Jersey Governor Chris ...
ABC's World News stood out as the sole Big Three evening newscast on Wednesday to not cover the release of Lois Lerner's e-mails, where the former top IRS official slammed conservatives as ...
On Friday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie gushed over the network getting an advanced copy of Hillary Clinton's new book: "Well, here it is. It's the memoir that a lot of people are talking ...
Ann Curry, on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, trumpeted that Hillary Clinton supposedly gave a "uncharacteristically revealing interview"
to People magazine. Kelly O'Donnell filed a gushing report ...