ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning newscasts on Wednesday spotlighted Texas State Senator Wendy Davis's filibuster against pro-life legislation, hyping how she stood for hours in "comfortable pink ...
Introducing a report on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer
announced "a significant breakthrough in a bitter fight on Capitol
Hill," followed by correspondent Kelly O'Donnell declaring ...
Leading off Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams
eagerly touted gun control supporters going after Republican New
Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte at a recent town hall meeting: ...
Following gun background check legislation being voted down in the Senate on Wednesday, anchor Brian Williams led off NBC Nightly News that evening by proclaiming: "There are cries of 'shame' from ...
On the eve of a proposed deal on a limited expansion of background checks for guy buyers, Tuesday's NBC Nightly News went after Republicans for opposing gun restrictions, with Capitol Hill ...
In 2006, Joe Biden, then a powerful U.S. senator and future vice president, smeared Indian Americans as mostly working at the convenience store 7-11. At the time, NBC (and the other networks) ...
On Tuesday's Today, while teasing NBC's third full report on
the unfolding scandal surrounding New Jersey Democratic Senator Robert
Menendez, co-host Matt Lauer proclaimed: "...we're hearing ...
Monday's NBC Today was quick to seize on Sarah Palin ending her
tenure as a contributor for Fox News, with correspondent Kelly
O'Donnell announcing: "Sarah Palin has people guessing again ...
On their evening and morning news shows on Thursday and Friday, NBC and
CBS were quick to tout Democratic efforts to reimpose an assault weapons
ban, with NBC Nightly News anchor Brian ...
At the top of Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer gushed
over Vice President Biden doing a series of photo-ops while swearing in
newly elected senators on Thursday: "Joe Biden welcomes ...