Despite John Boehner receiving overwhelming support from the Republican
caucus to be reelected as Speaker of the House, NBC Capitol Hill
correspondent Kelly O'Donnell hyped dissension in the ...
In a pair of back-to-back stories leading off Wednesday's NBC Nightly News,
House Republicans were painted as villains for briefly delaying a vote
on Hurricane Sandy relief. First, Capitol ...
Employing sanctimonious rhetoric to paint Senate Republicans as cruel
and heartless for opposing a U.N. treaty on disabled rights completely
redundant to the Americans With Disabilities Act, ...
In an obituary for former Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter on Sunday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell summarized his shift in political allegiance this way: "Specter's
views, ...
In a report on Tuesday's NBC Today, correspondent Kelly
O'Donnell described "awkward stumbles" for Senator Scott Brown and
challenger Elizabeth Warren in a Massachusetts senatorial debate on ...
On Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie promoted "a
congressional battle in Massachusetts featuring a very familiar name"
and wondered, "Could another Kennedy be headed to Congress?" ...
At the top of Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie seized on controversies involving Republican members of Congress and proclaimed: "Hot water....Two distractions for the GOP with the ...
Seizing on a handful of Republican members of Congress questioning
Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin's supposed tenuous family connections
to the Muslim Brotherhood, on Thursday's NBC Today, ...
As MRC reported on Tuesday, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network news shows have been stunningly
slow to report on the Eric Holder hearings on the Fast and Furious
scandal. NBC news hasn’t ...
Pretending the Obama administration did not intentionally turn birth
control into a campaign issue with the ObamaCare insurance mandate, on
Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams ...