
CNNMoney Misrepresents Rep. Mike Pence's Opposition to Tax Cut Deal

Senior writer claims tax cut deal is 'costliest stimulus, weakest payoff,' cites Congressman in liberal attack on tax cuts.

The Top 10 Economic Myths of 2010

Journalists' tall tales included praising GM for 'keeping faith' with taxpayers, comparing soda to cocaine, and attacking the Chamber of Commerce over baseless 'foreign money' claims.

WaPo's Ezra Klein: More Charitable to Give to Policy Think Tanks than Food Banks

Columnist attempts to 'politicize' charity, suggesting government can do more good than traditional charities.

Lefty Crackpot Theory: Chinese Dictators Funneling Cash into Campaigns for Overseas Jobs

Radio host/MSNBC regular Mike Papantonio claims Sharron Angle, Michele Bachmann have secret donors with job-exporting agendas.

CNN's Velshi Bashes Ethics of U.S. Chamber of Commerce with Left-Wing Talking Points

Anchor alleges pro-business organization's political activities are unethical.

Shock at CNN: Banks Doing More than Obama for Homeowners

Free market helping more delinquent borrowers than government plan.

The Great Newspaper Bailout

Liberals, politicians, journalists want Uncle Sam to save news with your tax dollars

NY Times Dismisses Growth in Dire '08 Outlook; Says Bush in 'Denial' about Economy

Other major newspapers are neutral or cautiously optimistic about economic predictions for 2008.

USA Today: Fewer Economists Expect Recession

Poll shows number of economists diagnosing a recession has dropped from 67 percent to 51 percent since April.

CNBC's Burnett Gives Schumer Free Pass on IndyMac Bank Run

'Street Signs' host claims senior senator from New York 'wishes he was powerful enough as being able to cause a run on a bank.'
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