
Networks Look to Oil Speculators as Gas Price Scapegoat

'World News' estimates speculation adding $30 to the price of a barrel of oil, though others doubt such a big effect.

CBS Blames Economy for High School's Pregnancy 'Boom'

'Evening News' links story of 17 expectant teens to 'economic depression.'

CBS Praises Oil Company for $50 Million in College Aid

'Evening News' segment praises Murphy Oil for providing college funding for high school graduates of Arkansas town.

Lack of New Drilling Blamed on Oil Companies

Maryland congressman tells CNN off-limits oil areas shouldn't be opened to exploration because other lands where oil can't be recovered 'are sitting idle.'

ABC Warns of Credit Card 'Addiction'

Extreme borrower scenarios on 'Good Morning America' paint picture of credit card users struggling 'to make ends meet.'

ABC Predicts Suicide Rates Will Go Up, Just Like During Great Depression

'Good Morning America' reports rise in health problems thanks to financial stress, but piles on with another Depression reference.

'Nightly News' Warns of 'Stagflation'

Unemployment and inflation nowhere close to late 1970s levels, when term 'stagflation' was first used to describe economic climate.

Morning Shows: More Government to Help Economy?

Gas prices, jobs and stocks, oh my! Could another 'stimulus' be the answer?

'Evening News' Blames GM Cutbacks on Gas Prices, Ignores Union Effect

Report blasts automaker for producing 'gas-guzzling' vehicles but doesn't mention expensive labor agreements.

'Today': Pawn Shop's Business Indicates 'Bust Economy'

NBC morning show rolls out yet another 'economic indicator' in attempt to paint economy as weak.
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