7/24/2008 9:00 AM ET
CBS report ignores long-term consequences of bill and calls a rise in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stock an endorsement from Wall Street.
7/23/2008 10:33 AM ET
Networks see IndyMac failure as sign of catastrophe on the horizon, but fail to offer historical context or real reasons for downfall.
7/17/2008 3:46 PM ET
But respondents say they're responsible for their own finances.
7/17/2008 2:05 PM ET
'Good Morning America' has some positive news about the economy for the first time in a while, as tech companies see earnings.
7/17/2008 9:44 AM ET
NBC says economy is keeping marriages together; ABC says it's splitting them up.
7/16/2008 3:37 PM ET
A look at how the Federal Reserve works, and its effects on the economy, reveals the source of many of today's issues.
7/15/2008 3:52 PM ET
'Your $$$$$' puts McCain's promises under the microscope, while glossing over Obama's.
7/14/2008 12:09 PM ET
ABC, NBC morning shows give some perspective but still feed hysteria on bank closing.
7/11/2008 11:19 AM ET
ABC and CBS admit Sen. Phil Gramm's comments are being twisted, but don't explain the truth behind them.
6/27/2008 9:41 AM ET
NBC and ABC compare stock market to worst financial crisis in U.S. history.