Andrea Mitchell Gratuitously Drags Up '88 Debate Slam During Quayle Interview

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Friday used an interview with Dan Quayle to gratuitously highlight Lloyd Bentsen's famous 1988 slam, "You're no Jack Kennedy." Although Quayle appeared on the network ...

NY Times Vet, Now Politics Site Chief at AOL: 'Kennedy Has Been a Huge Inspiration to Me'

Melinda Henneberger, Editor-in-Chief of AOL's and former NY Times reporter, boasted on Thursday's Hardball of her admiration for the late Senator and his left-wing policies: "Ted ...

Schultz, Huffington: Obama Should Use Kennedy Death to Promote Left-Wing Politics

Liberal MSNBC host and HuffPo founder argue less than a day after senator's death to use it as a 'rallying cry for progressives.'

Rush, Beck Warn Obama Administration Trying to Bring Country to Its Knees

Limbaugh insists economic crisis manufactured to push crisis mode; Beck explains MSNBC is a view of future under Obama.

Matthews: Obama Not Getting Enough Love for Economic 'Comeback'

'Hardball' host perplexed why president isn't being celebrated for stock market rally, easing economic bad news.

MSNBC Cheerleads for 'Health Care Momentum Shift'; Could 'Tide' Be Turning?

MSNBC News Live hosts David Shuster and Tamron Hall on Tuesday embraced a contrarian notion that the tide is shifting in favor of liberal health care reform. Shuster tried to be optimistic: "...If ...

Media's Pro-Choice Darling Called Humans 'Ecotumors'

Late-term abortionist is a victimized hero to left-wing media.

Cramer on Beck Advertisers: 'I Think They All Come Back in the End'

CNBC 'Mad Money' host points to Unilever's 'advertise on all media' model, says NewsCorp still a good stock, despite skittish advertisers.

Will Nets Note Sheehan's Anti-Obama Protest?

Media Embraced Cindy Sheehan's Anti-Bush Push in 2005; ABC Anchor Now Says: "Enough Already"

Garofalo: Tea Party Protesters 'Functionally Retarded'; 'I Want My Country Back' Code for 'I Want My White Guy Back'

Comic devotes portion of stand-up routine to attacking conservative activists, insists 2004 Bush/Kerry election was stolen.
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