N.Y. Congressman Pushes 'Medicare-for-all' on 'Morning Joe'

'Morning Joe' fails to note problems in claim there is no need for private insurers.

MSNBC Guest Inserts Gratuitous Palin Slam Into College Football Story

Nation magazine sports editor Dave Zirin appeared on MSNBC's News Live on Tuesday to discuss college football and ended up trashing Sarah Palin. Talking with host David Shuster, Zirin frothed that ...

MSNBC: ObamaCare Protesters 'Racist,' Including Black Gun-Owner

On Tuesday, MSNBC's Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: "A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder ...

MSNBC Uses William F. Buckley to Bash Health Care Reform Opponents

On MSNBC Friday, anchor John Harwood spoke with New York Times Week in Review editor Sam Tanenhaus about the health care debate: " know an awful lot about the patron saint of modern ...

Vermont Senator Rips Fox News, Demands Progressive TV Network

Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders tells MSNBC 'progressive' media structure lacking, blames struggles of 'civil rights issue' ObamaCare on 'right-wing talk radio.'

Shuster Erupts -- Charges Congressman Misleading Public by Hiding Medicare is 'Government-Run'

MSNBC host repeatedly interrupts Rep. Mike Pence, suggests he is 'stoking' fear of government takeover of health care.

Double Standard: Lefty Media Now Targeting GOP Congresswoman's Son

MSNBC, liberal Web sites use Rep. Bachmann's son's participation in government program to score political points.

Media Cover Town Hall Outrage from Left, Calling it 'Orchestrated' and 'Not about Policy'

Broadcasters decry 'incitement to violence' from far right, say health care town halls are being shut down by 'fake grassroots.'

ABC News Veteran: Most Journalists See Themselves as 'Right Down the Middle'

Time magazine's Mark Halperin, formerly the political director at ABC News, announced on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Tuesday that he believed that most reporters operated under the belief that they are ...
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