Lou Dobbs: Olbermann the 'Resident Moron' at MSNBC

CNN host and avowed 'independent' expresses frustration over left's efforts to marginalize health care opposition, play the race card.

Hypocrisy Flashback: Media Liberals Saluted Anti-Bush Dissent

With the Obama administration and their friends in the media denouncing the sometimes loud dissent that liberals are facing in town hall meetings on health care, it's worth recalling how some of ...

Rude Matthews Bullies Conservative Guest Opposing ObamaCare

Boorish MSNBC 'Hardball' host attacks Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips.

MSNBC Frets About 'Unhinged' Conservatives Who Are 'Scaring' Seniors

MSNBC's graphics department on Monday provided some obnoxious examples of media bias, fretting about "unhinged" conservatives and "health care hysteria." The left-leaning cable network featured ...

MSNBC Hosts: Town Hall Protests Are Threat to Obama's Life

At the top of the 4:00PM ET hour on MSNBC Friday, fill-in co-anchor Monica Novotny issued a dire warning about protests at health care town hall meetings: "The town hall confrontations are turning ...

MSNBC Picks Up WaPo Article Claiming Obama Joker Poster Racist

During the 2PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer wondered: "Is a poster of the President as the Joker racist? The posters in Los Angeles and elsewhere show the President as 'The Dark ...

Matthews: 'Is Sarah Palin a Poster Girl for Racism?'

On Wednesday's Hardball, MSNBC's Chris Matthews featured a discussion of Kathleen Parker's latest column arguing that vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin tapped into Southern racism during the ...

Olbermann Slams Centrist Dems as 'Dogs,' Uses Kennedy Illness for Guilt-Trip

On Monday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann delivered a "Special Comment" lambasting members of the Blue Dog Coalition. After reciting contributions received from the health care ...

MSNBC Goes to Bat Against 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Viewers would never know there are two side to the gays in the military debate.

Flashback: 35% of Democrats Think Bush Knew of 9/11 Attacks in Advance

MSNBC hosts have been fixated over using "birthers" to discredit conservatives, highlighting a poll which found a majority of Republicans (58%) either believe Barack Obama wasn't born in the U.S. ...
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